Danya Terp

Danya Terp

Clinic Administrator and Veterinary Technician

Renforth is my second home and extended family. I feel absolutely blessed to work with such an incredibly devoted and skilled team. Working amidst love and laughter like this is a dream come true.Danya

After studying Science (with a business minor) at the University of Waterloo, Danya received her associate diploma in Veterinary Technology at the University of Guelph’s Ridgetown College. After graduation Danya gained experience in small animal practice in Toronto, including working at the Veterinary Emergency Clinic and Referral Centre South in downtown Toronto. In 2001 she moved to Thailand for 4 months to volunteer at a charity run veterinary clinic on Koh Pangang.

Danya joined RVC in 2003 and has enjoyed being part of the team ever since. Currently, she enjoys a mix of managerial and technical duties and is our website administrator and content author. Most of all, she loves to spend time getting to know clients and their pets.

Danya lives in Mississauga with her two children, Anna and Erik. Outside of family and the clinic, Danya loves writing and is working towards certification as a veterinary journalist. She plays and coaches ringette, plays hockey and is the lead singer of a ‘garage band’ called Hot Pockets. She also plays guitar and dabbles in painting and mixed media art. The furred loves of her life are her Golden Retriever, Caddy and her cat, Simon.