Mimi (1995 – 2014)
Mimi was her own cat. The house is quite empty without her and her seventeen sleeping locations. Mimi became quite vocal in her later years; always talking and perfectly answering our questions. Mimi would greet everyone and anyone with a genuine hiss that would scare off a 400-lb football player.
One unforgettable moment: Mimi was a great climber in her day. She used to leap and FLY onto a large set of speakers and then hide behind our adjacent china cabinet. One day, we heard a huge thud. Uh-oh! After our investigation, we found Mimi in a crumpled heap, at the bottom side of the cabinet. I had moved the speakers to another room and I had forgotten to mention this to all the family members!
Many thanks to everyone at Renforth Vet Clinic
Gord & MaryLou